The David Bedbrook Bursary has been developed to support the next generation of agricultural leaders, who will take up the challenge of farming for the future. It is for young people who are passionate about agriculture, with a keen interest in the future of our industries and who are ready to expand their networks and learn new skills. Applications for the 2020 David Bedbrook Bursary are now open – please click here for details.
Venue TBA, Friday 28 August from 10am to 3.00pm
Program and registration link available soon
Friday 28 August 2020
Venue TBA
The AAAC(WA) Outlook 2019 Conference is being held on Thursday 31st October 2019 at The Westin Hotel, Perth.
Full program and registration details will be uploaded soon.
AAAC(WA) AFSL Grain Marketing Training
Thursday 4th July, 12.30pm to 5.00pm, DPIRD Theatrette
Date: Friday, 23rd November 2018
Location: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth
Outlook 2018 focuses on the future of Agriculture in Australia exploring new technology, global markets, innovation and best practice to successfully meet rapidly changing market and consumer demands. Presenters include Australian futurist Dr Paul Higgins, Rural Bank CFO and Nuffield Scholar Will Rayner, Neil Delroy of Jasper Farms, duel Olympic Gold Medallist and leading businesswoman Jennifer Morris and a range of industry experts and the AAAC(WA) Outlook Panel.
For the full program and to register for Outlook 2018 click here.
Date: Thursday, 22nd November 2018
Location: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth
Professional Development for AAAC(WA) Members only.
For the full program and to register for November PD please click here
Date: Thursday 13th & Friday 14th September 2018
Location: The Aloft Hotel, Rivervale, Perth
The Grain Marketing afternoon workshops feature presentations from AEGIC, Agscietia and Graincorp. Friday PD sessions are an innovative and exciting mix of practice management and technical presentations including media and crisis management training, air seeding, fungicide resistance, mental health and workplace ergonomics. For the full program of speakers and to make an online booking please click here. Please note you must be a financial member of AAAC(WA) to attend this professional development session.